
  1. Install the package MASS
  2. Load the packages MASS and tidyverse. Loading these packages will produce some messages on the console. What do you think do they mean? (If you don’t know, just make a wild guess!)
  3. Load the builtin dataset “cats” provided by the package MASS (Hint: Run data(cats) to load the data)
  4. Inform yourself about the data using R’s help system – What are the variables in the dataset?
  5. View the data using 4 different perspectives:
    • Issue simply the command cats at the console – What generally happens when you simply use an object’s name as command?
    • Using the functions head and tail. Inform yourself beforehand what these functions do (again, using the help system).
    • Using RStudios View function (use the function from the console and also check out the small table icon in the “Environment” tab in the top right pane)
  6. Construct a scatter plot of the data using qplot from the ggplot2 package (incl. in tidyverse)
    • inform yourself on the Web, about what a scatter plot is
    • see the documentation for qplot in R’s help system
    • plot Bwt (body weight) on the x-axis and Hwt (heart weight) on the y-axis
    • Hint: a scatterplot can be generated with a command like this:
    • qplot(<VARIABLE ON X>, <VARIABLE ON Y>, data = <DATASET>)