January 17, 2019

Today's schedule

  1. Review of last week's tasks
  2. Record linkage: Combining data sets
  3. Reproducible workflows with RStudio

Review of last week's tasks

Solution for tasks #8

Record linkage

What is record linkage?

Record linkage or data joining is the process of combining observations in a data set \(A\) with observations in a data set \(B\) according to some matching criteria. Most of the time, a matching criterion is a common identifier.

id x1
1 0.2875775
2 0.7883051
3 0.4089769
4 0.8830174
5 0.9404673
id x2
1 0
2 5
3 9
4 6
5 5
A and B
id x1 x2
1 0.2875775 0
2 0.7883051 5
3 0.4089769 9
4 0.8830174 6
5 0.9404673 5

\(A\) and \(B\) are joined by common identifier "id".

If you have multiple data sets that can be combined, you have relational data.

A practical example

Data from a repeated measures experiment:

##   person_id test_type score
## 1         1       pre     2
## 2         1      post     0
## 3         2       pre     3
## 4         2      post    10
## 5         3       pre     9
## 6         3      post     7

We also have "meta data" about each participant:

##   id age smoker
## 1  1  23   TRUE
## 2  3  42   TRUE
## 3  4  20  FALSE

We combine the data using a left join with criterion person_id = id:

##   person_id test_type score age smoker
## 1         1       pre     2  23   TRUE
## 2         1      post     0  23   TRUE
## 3         2       pre     3  NA     NA
## 4         2      post    10  NA     NA
## 5         3       pre     9  42   TRUE
## 6         3      post     7  42   TRUE

Notice how we introduced NAs, because participant ID 2 is missing in the "meta data". Also participant ID 4 does not appear in the result.

Combining data sets with dplyr

There are several functions in the package dplyr (contained in tidyverse) for combining data sets:

  • joins: left_join, right_join, inner_join, full_join, semi_join, anti_join
  • set operations: intersect, union, setdiff
  • row or column binding: bind_rows, bind_cols

We'll have a look at the most common operations.

Data joining with dplyr

There are six join operations (of which three are commonly used).

All join operations have three parameters in common:

  • a left hand side data set a
  • a right hand side data set b
  • a match criterion by

The type of join operation determines which rows and values are retained.

Left and right joins

id test_type score
1 pre 10
1 post 5
2 pre 7
2 post 6
3 pre 1
3 post 9
id age smoker
1 23 TRUE
3 42 TRUE
4 20 FALSE

left_join(a, b, by = <criterion>): always retains rows on the "left side" and fills up non-matching rows with NAs.

left_join(scores, personaldata, by = c('id'))
##   id test_type score age smoker
## 1  1       pre    10  23   TRUE
## 2  1      post     5  23   TRUE
## 3  2       pre     7  NA     NA
## 4  2      post     6  NA     NA
## 5  3       pre     1  42   TRUE
## 6  3      post     9  42   TRUE

Left and right joins

id test_type score
1 pre 10
1 post 5
2 pre 7
2 post 6
3 pre 1
3 post 9
id age smoker
1 23 TRUE
3 42 TRUE
4 20 FALSE

right_join(a, b, by = <criterion>): always retains rows on the "right side" and fills up non-matching rows with NAs.

How many rows do you expect for a right join between scores and personaldata?

right_join(scores, personaldata, by = c('id'))
##   id test_type score age smoker
## 1  1       pre    10  23   TRUE
## 2  1      post     5  23   TRUE
## 3  3       pre     1  42   TRUE
## 4  3      post     9  42   TRUE
## 5  4      <NA>    NA  20  FALSE

Left and right joins

You can always transform a left join to a right join and vice versa.

Which of these statements are equivalent?

  • left_join(a, b, by = 'id') and
    right_join(a, b, by = 'id')
  • right_join(b, a, by = 'id') and
    left_join(a, b, by = 'id')
  • left_join(b, a, by = 'id') and
    right_join(a, b, by = 'id')

Specifying match criteria

Match criteria are specified with parameter by.

group test_type mean_score
treat_A pre 6.405068
treat_A post 9.942698
treat_B pre 6.557058
treat_B post 7.085305
ctrl pre 5.440660
ctrl post 5.941420
group test_type n lab
treat_A pre 11 a
treat_A post 14 b
treat_B pre 12 b
treat_B post 10 b
ctrl pre 13 a
ctrl post 12 a

Parameter by is a character vector with all columns that must match:

left_join(experiments, session_info, by = c('group', 'test_type'))
##     group test_type mean_score  n lab
## 1 treat_A       pre   6.405068 11   a
## 2 treat_A      post   9.942698 14   b
## 3 treat_B       pre   6.557058 12   b
## 4 treat_B      post   7.085305 10   b
## 5    ctrl       pre   5.440660 13   a
## 6    ctrl      post   5.941420 12   a

Specifying match criteria

Parameter by can be a named character vector like c('x' = 'y'). This will match a.x to b.y (x of left-hand side to y of right-hand side).

This time, the scores data set has an ID column named person_id:

person_id test_type score
1 pre 2
1 post 0
2 pre 3
2 post 10
3 pre 9
3 post 7
id age smoker
1 23 TRUE
3 42 TRUE
4 20 FALSE

We have to consider that when specifying the matching criterion:

left_join(scores, personaldata, by = c('person_id' = 'id'))
##   person_id test_type score age smoker
## 1         1       pre     2  23   TRUE
## 2         1      post     0  23   TRUE
## 3         2       pre     3  NA     NA
## 4         2      post    10  NA     NA
## 5         3       pre     9  42   TRUE
## 6         3      post     7  42   TRUE

Inner join

person_id test_type score
1 pre 2
1 post 0
2 pre 3
2 post 10
3 pre 9
3 post 7
id age smoker
1 23 TRUE
3 42 TRUE
4 20 FALSE

inner_join(a, b, by = <criterion>): only retains rows that match on both sides.

How many rows do you expect for an inner join between scores and personaldata?

inner_join(scores, personaldata, by = c('person_id' = 'id'))
##   person_id test_type score age smoker
## 1         1       pre     2  23   TRUE
## 2         1      post     0  23   TRUE
## 3         3       pre     9  42   TRUE
## 4         3      post     7  42   TRUE

Full join

person_id test_type score
1 pre 2
1 post 0
2 pre 3
2 post 10
3 pre 9
3 post 7
id age smoker
1 23 TRUE
3 42 TRUE
4 20 FALSE

full_join(a, b, by = <criterion>): retains all rows for both sides and fills up non-matching rows with NAs.

How many rows do you expect for a full join between scores and personaldata?

full_join(scores, personaldata, by = c('person_id' = 'id'))
##   person_id test_type score age smoker
## 1         1       pre     2  23   TRUE
## 2         1      post     0  23   TRUE
## 3         2       pre     3  NA     NA
## 4         2      post    10  NA     NA
## 5         3       pre     9  42   TRUE
## 6         3      post     7  42   TRUE
## 7         4      <NA>    NA  20  FALSE

Semi join

person_id test_type score
1 pre 2
1 post 0
2 pre 3
2 post 10
3 pre 9
3 post 7
id age smoker
1 23 TRUE
3 42 TRUE
4 20 FALSE

semi_join(a, b, by = <criterion>): A semi join is a filtering join. It returns all observations of a where the criterion matches.

semi_join(scores, personaldata, by = c('person_id' = 'id'))
##   person_id test_type score
## 1         1       pre     2
## 2         1      post     0
## 3         3       pre     9
## 4         3      post     7

→ "return all scores for which we have personal data"

Anti join

person_id test_type score
1 pre 2
1 post 0
2 pre 3
2 post 10
3 pre 9
3 post 7
id age smoker
1 23 TRUE
3 42 TRUE
4 20 FALSE

anti_join(a, b, by = <criterion>): An anti join is the inverse of a semi join. It returns all observations of a where the criterion does not match.

anti_join(scores, personaldata, by = c('person_id' = 'id'))
##   person_id test_type score
## 1         2       pre     3
## 2         2      post    10

→ "return all scores for which we have no personal data"

Summary of data joins

Summary of data joins

Summary of data joins

Summary of data joins

Set operations

Set operations as defined in the dplyr package operate on data frames. They translate to the same operations as you know from maths:

  • intersect(A, B): \(A \cap B\)
    (observations that occur in both \(A\) and \(B\))
  • union(A, B): \(A \cup B\)
    (observations that occur in either \(A\) or \(B\))
  • setdiff(A, B): \(A \setminus B\)
    (observations that occur in \(A\) minus those that occur in \(B\))

There is no "match criterion". All values in a row are taken into account to match observations.

Set operations

Some examples:

x y
1 1
2 1
3 2
x y
1 1
2 0
3 2
intersect(A, B)
##   x y
## 1 1 1
## 2 3 2
union(A, B)
##   x y
## 1 2 0
## 2 3 2
## 3 2 1
## 4 1 1
setdiff(A, B)
##   x y
## 1 2 1

Common mistakes

1. Forgetting to specify by

left_join(scores, personaldata)
## Error: `by` required, because the data sources have no common variables

If there are common variables, they are used for matching by default, which is probably not what you want.

always specify by!

2. Not using a (named) character vector for by

left_join(scores, personaldata, by = c(person_id = id))
## Error: `by` must specify variables to join by

→ quotes are missing (c('person_id' = 'id'))

left_join(scores, personaldata, by = ('person_id' = 'id'))
## Error: `by` can't contain join column `id` which is missing from LHS

→ the little c() is missing to denote a vector

Common mistakes

3. Comparing the wrong types

A <- data.frame(id = 1:3, y = c(1, 1, 2))
B <- data.frame(id = as.factor(1:3), y = c(1, 0, 2))
inner_join(A, B, by = 'id')
## Error: Can't join on 'id' x 'id' because of incompatible types (integer / factor)

Record linkage challenges

  • Many things can go wrong (wrong join operation, wrong matching, etc.):
    → check numbers of rows
    → check for NAs
    → check samples
  • Which type of join should I use?
    → think about which data must be retained and which data match can introduce NAs

Record linkage challenges

  • Often you need to combine more than two datasets:
    → combine data sets one by one
    → check at each step
  • Sometimes there's no easy way of matching observations (no common identifiers):
    → think of other strategies (other data sets, fuzzy matching, semi-automated matching)

Reproducible workflows with RStudio

Reproducible workflows

What is a reproducible workflow?

  • allows anybody who meets your software requirements to reproduce your results without programming trouble
  • anybody can also be your "future you"

Hence you need to provide:

  • software requirements
  • raw data*
  • software / scripts that perform the data wrangling and analyses
  • documentation

* subject to many limitations due to privacy and other considerations


  • makes sure your scripts run and are understandable when:
    • you change your computer
    • your "future you" comes back to the project after months or years
    • your collegues work with your code
    • another researcher tries to reproduce your results
  • enforces transparency in the research process
  • helps to find mistakes in your code
  • helps in collaborative work


  • set up RStudio correctly (next slide)
  • use RStudio projects for anything that is not just "playing around"
  • never use setwd() in your scripts
  • write clean code:
    • structure your code with indentations
    • use meaningful object and variable names
  • document your code

Setting up RStudio

Go to Tools > Global options…Never save workspace to file and never restore it on startup

RStudio settings

Setting up RStudio

Go to Tools > Global options…Never save workspace to file and never restore it on startup



  • your scripts should run without workspace
  • you don't need a workspace – the important stuff is the scripts and the data
  • you don't share a workspace – you share scripts and data
  • "Restart R session" will not reload data: you can start afresh

  • use "Restart R session" (CTRL+SHIFT+F10) often to check if scripts work when loaded afresh

Working with RStudio projects

RStudio supports projects (File > New project …). Use them!



  • loading a project will set the working directory (no need to setwd()!) to the root of the project
  • projects can be shared (RStudio creates a myproject.Rproj file)
  • you can easily switch between projects (top right corner)

RStudio choose project

Working with RMarkdown

You may have noticed that the solutions to the tasks involve a mixture of code, plots and prose. They're RMarkdown documents:

  • allow to write text documents with sections ("chunks") of executable R code
  • output can be saved as PDF, HTML, Word, etc.

My presentations are actually RMarkdown documents:

RMarkdown presentation

Working with RMarkdown

Good for:

  • summaries of your analyses / outcomes of a project
  • exploratory data analysis
  • small exercises

Not good for:

  • complex, long running analyses
  • complex programming code

→ use R scripts for that

Working with RMarkdown

Create a new RMarkdown document (short: Rmd) in RStudio with File > New file > RMarkdown ….

→ creates a sample document with explanations and links to RMarkdown documentation

Make sure that Rmd documents are reproducible: Select Run > Restart R and Run All Chunks.

Free book: R Markdown: The Definite Guide (Xie et al.)

Concluding examples

Bad practice:

setwd('C:/Research/Super Interesting Project/Analysis & more/')
X <- read.csv('cat_research_data.csv',stringsAsFactors =FALSE,
col.names= c('weight', 'age', 'length_tail'))
m <- mean(X$var2)
if (m> 8) {
print('fat cats!')
if(m > 12) {print('super fat cats!')}
S <- X[X$var2 > m,]
qplot(S$var2, S$var3)

Concluding examples

Better practice:

# super important cat research script (no need for setwd() -- RStudio project!)
# author, date
library(ggplot2)  # put libraries on top

# load the data
catdata <- read.csv('cat_research_data.csv',
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                    col.names = c('weight', 'age', 'length_tail'))

# calculate mean weight and create subset with obs. where weight > mean weight
mean_weight <- mean(catdata$weight)
above_mean <- catdata[catdata$weight > mean_weight,]

if (mean_weight > 8) {  # just to show nested indentation
  print('fat cats!')
  if(mean_weight > 12) {
    print('super fat cats!')

# scatter plot of above mean data with weight against length of cat's tail
qplot(above_mean$weight, above_mean$length_tail)
